Data Type Document
The Data Type Document allows the user to create the structure to be used when creating tags.
The basic tag types are:
. Integer
. Float
. String
. DateTime
. Boolean
If the user wants to create a structure that will group related fields together, it is better to create a Data Type and then create a Tag associated with this Data Type.
All Data Types created will be available as a new "Type" in the Tags document.
In this Document, the user can Create New Tag, Configure Existing Tags and Remove Tags.
In this example we are creating a structure to represent a Tank and associating a tag to it.
. Open the Navigation Tree.
. Right-click the Data Types folder and insert a new document. At this point, the user could also create a folder and the document under it.
. When the new document opens, click insert Tag.
. Let's configure the Name (string), Temperature (float), Volume (float) and Pressure (float)
Save the document as "TankStruct"
. So far, we have a structure called TankStruct with the 4 members (Name, Temperature, Volume and Pressure).
. Now we want to associate a tag to this new structure. Without the tag, the TankStruct cannot be used.
. Go to the Tags document you want to add the TankStruct tag.
Insert a new tag, name it as objTank and configure its type as the
TankStruct just created.
. It means you can use now:
. objTank.Name
. objTank.Temperature
. objTank.Volume
. objTank.Pressure
. This new objTank of type TankStruct can also be used as an array (static or dynamic). If you choose an array of dimension 1 and 10 positions, the syntax will be the following:
. objTank[0].Name
. objTank[0].Temperature
. objTank[0].Volume
. objTank[0].Pressure
. objTank[9].Name
. objTank[9].Temperature
. objTank[9].Volume
. objTank[9].Pressure