Recipe Settings
The settings section of the Recipe must be configured before using the recipe functionality. Please also refer to the Recipe Items section to finish configuring the Recipe.
1. What kind of recipe are you planing to use?
According to the selection of the Type, the design will be rearranged.
. Default: Allow the user to select tags to store values in a data file. The triggers will be used to save or load those values.
. Smart: Allow the user to anchor tags to specific sections of a data file. As soon as the file is selected, the entire text of this file will be displayed in the box at the lower section.
2. Recipe Path:
Specifies the path of the recipe. It also accepts Tag.
Default Recipe: There is no need to write the extension. The user only needs
to configure the path and the name of the recipe as you can see in the
example below. If the "Relative Path" property is
false, the user can specify a full path to the recipe such
Example 1
Recipe Path = c:\Recipe1Test
Relative Path = False
Output = c:\Recipe1Test.rcp
Example 2:
Recipe Path = testeRecipe1RelativePath
Relative Path = True
Output = C:\Users\All Users\Documents\SmartView\teste1\testeRecipe1RelativePath.rcp
* Relative path stands for the root path of your application
. Smart Recipe: You will need to select the file which must be pre-created in another editor.
3. Relative Path:
As seen in the example above, the Relative Path is a Boolean property that helps the user to save the recipe in the applications folder.
If this property is set to true, the recipe will be saved in the applications root folder as a starting folder.
4. Recipe Save Mode:
There are two ways to save the recipe, and both have the same functionality:
. File
*Both modes will generate a .rcp file. The only difference is the internal structure of the file.
5. Trigger Save:
This field expects a tag configuration. It should be a numeric tag, and every time it changes value (triggers), this recipe will be saved in the Recipe Path.
6. Trigger Load:
This field expects a tag configuration. It should be a numeric tag, and every time it changes value (triggers), this recipe will be load Recipe Path.
7. Type:
Defines which type of recipe you will be working with.
. Default: Basic engine to save and load tags only
. Smart: Smart engine which allow the user to mix text and tags
Related Recipe sections:
Note: The Recipe path also accepts Tag |