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Functions to manipulate the application:

.      AppPath

Function to return the full path of the application including the .prj file.

.      DisconnectViewer

Function to Disconnect the current viewer.

.     Output

Function to log a message in the Engineering Log.

.     PauseEngines

Pauses all engines.

.     ProjectPath

Function to return the path of the project.

.     DisableSave

Disables the option to save changes in TagManager.

.     EnableSave

Enables the option to save changes in TagManager.

.     Run

Executes an external application configured in the path parameter.

.     RunAndWait

Function to execute an external application and wait for the end of its execution.

.     SendEmail

Function to Send an email to one or more recipients.

.     ShutDownWindows

Function to Shutdown or restart the Windows.

.     Sleep

Function to Suspends the current thread for the specified number of milliseconds..

.     StartEngine

Starts a specific engine passed in the engine parameter.

.     StopEngine

Stops a specific engine passed in the engine parameter.

.     StopViewer

Function to Stop the current viewer.

.     RestartEngine

Restarts a specific engine passed in the engine parameter.

.     StopApp

Stops the RunTime application.

.     UnpauseEngines

Unpauses all the engines.