Server Settings

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Server Settings

OPC UA Server Settings:

.     Target: Insert the IP Address of the OPC UA Server.

.     Port: Insert the Port for the OPC UA Server.

.     Server Name: Insert the Server Name for the OPC UA Server.

.     Action: Configure the direction flow of the data.

. Read: The data flows only from OPC UA Server to the OPC UA Client. The OPC UA Client can only read the data from the OPC UA Server.

. Read/Write: The data flows in both directions, from the Server to the Client and from the Client to the Server. The OPC UA Client can read and write data from the OPC UA Server.

. Write: The data flows only from OPC UA Client to OPC UA Server. The OPC UA Client can only write data from the OPC UA Server.

.     Sync Write: Configures if the writing of the data will be synchronous or asynchronous.

. TRUE: The writing of the data will be synchronous.

. FALSE: The writing of the data will be asynchronous.

. Expression: According with the result of the expression the data will be synchronous or asynchronous.