Alarm Start Date
Configures the interval date that the alarm will get the alarmed items from the alarm history.
This field can be set with two different forms:
1. Absolut: In the absolut form, the user will configure the start and end DateTime. To configure these properties, the user will have three different options:
. Date and Time: The user will set the exact date and time in the DateTime control.
Example: 31/12/2011 12:59:59.
. Tag: The user will set a tag in the field and when the RunTime is being executed, the object will set the value of the tag into the property.
Example: @StarTimeTag.
. Now: This option will set the current date and time of the system.
2. Relative: In the relative form, the user will configure how many days, hours, minutes and seconds from the current date and time. To configure these properties, the user will have different options:
. Date and Time: The user will set the exactly date and time in the DateTime control.
. Tag: The user will set a tag in the field and when the RunTime is being executed the object will set the value of the tag into the property.
. Now: This option will set the current date and time.
. Interval: Example: 05.10:30:59, this means that it will search for history alarms 5 days, 10 hours, 30 minutes and 59 seconds ago.
. Backward: If this property is selected, the alarm object will search for historical alarms starting from the time set up in the Start DateTime field up to the time resulting from (Start DateTime - interval configured).
. Forward: If this property is selected, the alarm object will search for historical alarms starting from the time set up in the Start DateTime field up to the time resulting from (Start DateTime + interval configured).
Note: This property exists only to the following objects: . Alarm |