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This function configures the background color that will be shown in the specific property in the MultiTagViewer.

Function Definition:

void ChangeBackground( int line, string key, string color );

.     int line: A integer parameter containing the line of the MultiTagViewer.

.     string key: A String parameter containing the property name.

.     string color: A String parameter containing the new color for the background property.

To configure this function, follow the steps below:

1.   In a object event, configure the ChangeBackground function: MultiTagViewerObjectName.ChangeBackground(index, Property, "Blue");

2.   During the execution of RunTime, run the configured event.


In the graphic document, the user has one MultiTagViewer object (named as GraphicObject1). In a Button object (named as GraphicObject2) the user configures the MouseUp event with the following event:

GraphicObject1.Add(0, "Logo_Value", "Blue");

In this event, the background color of the property Logo has changed to blue.



Note: This property exists only to the following objects:

.     MultiTagViewer