Export Tag
Export Tag creates a document (with file extension .csv) containing all the settings from tags document.
To export your tags settings, follow the steps below:
1. Click the button "Export".
2. A message box will be displayed asking to save the document before being exported.
2.1. If you want to proceed with the process of exporting tags and want to save the document, click the "Yes" button.
2.2. If you don't want to proceed, click the "No" button.
3. If Yes is clicked, a new window will be displayed to select where the document will be created.
4. Click the button "..." to navigate through the system folders and select the desired location to create the document.
5. Insert the name for the new document in the field "File Name".
6. Click the "Save" button.
7. A message- ox will be displayed if the export was successfully done.
Note: When exporting, if there is a tag type DataType, then the Data Type will also be exported to a folder "AdisraSVDataTypesExported" in the same location. |