This property returns the index of the vector configured in the MultiTagViewer Object
This function is very useful when the user sorts the grid lines, so the index of the grid line does not correspond to the index of the array.
Function Definition:
int SelectedArrayIndex {get; set;}
. get: Permits the user to read the integer value.
. set: Permits the user to write the integer value.
To configure this function, follow the steps below:
1. In an object event, configure the SelectedArrayIndex function: MultiTagViewerObjectName.SelectedArrayIndex;
2. During the execution of RunTime, run the configured event.
Example Get:
In the graphic document, the user has one MultiTagViewer object (named as GraphicObject1) configured with vector "TagMTV". In a Button object (named as GraphicObject2) the user configures the MouseUp event with the following event:
GraphicObject2.Text = GraphicObject1.SelectedArrayIndex;
In this event, the GraphicObject2 will exhibit the integer value indicating the selected index of the vector.
Example Set:
In the graphic document, the user has one MultiTagViewer object (named as GraphicObject1) configured with vector "TagMTV". In a Button object (named as GraphicObject2) the user configures the MouseUp event with the following event:
GraphicObject1.SelectedArrayIndex = 1;
In this event, the GraphicObject1 will select the line of the object that corresponds to the index 1 of the vector.
Note: This property exists only to the following objects: |