This property will configure the alignment of the picture in the object.
This property has 9 (nine) options of alignment:
Left-Top (): The picture will align in the
left-top of the object.
Left-Center (): The picture will align in the
left-center of the object.
Left-Bottom (): The picture will align in the
left-bottom of the object.
Center-Top (): The picture will align in the
center-top of the object.
Center-Center (): The picture will align in the
center-center of the object.
Center-Bottom (): The picture will align in the
center-bottom of the object.
Right-Top (): The picture will align in the
right-top of the object.
Right-Center (): The picture will align in the
right-center of the object.
Right-Bottom (): The picture will align in the
right-bottom of the object.