In this brush mode there are pre-configured colors and the user just have to pick one of them.
To configure a brush with a basic color, follow the steps below:
1. Click the Solid Color tab.
2. Select the desired color in the combo-box and the color will be displayed in the preview area.
3. The selected RGB color code will be displayed in the field.
In this brush mode, the user will be able to configure the desired color. There are RGB controls and a transparency control for the user to configure the desired color. There is also a preview area where the user can see the configured color. In this mode, the user can insert the desired values in the RGB and transparency fields or just select the color using the mouse.
To configure a brush using the RGB boxes, follow the steps below:
1. Click the Solid Color tab.
2. Click the R (red) field.
3. Insert the desired number of the color.
4. Click the G (green) field.
5. Insert the desired number of the color.
6. Click the B (blue) field.
7. Insert the desired number of the color.
8. Click the A (Transparency) field.
9. Insert the desired rate of transparency or move the slider to the left/right to set the desired transparency.
10. The selected RGB color code will be displayed in the field.
To configure a brush using the mouse, follow the steps below:
1. Click the Solid Color tab.
2. Click the desired color in the vertical rainbow bar.
3. Click the desired color in the square color set (RGB fields value will be updated in every colors chosen).
4. Click the A (Transparency) field.
5. Insert the desired rate of transparency or move the slider to the left/right to set the desired transparency.
6. The selected RGB color code will be displayed in the field.