Tile Mode
This property will configure the object with the tile effect using the picture to fill the space available in the object.
This property has 5 (five) options of tiling:
. None: The object will not suffer any change.
. Tile: This option will create a tile effect using the original image.
The image in the bitmap (450x300) object with the Tile effect (Tiles:
X=2 and Y=2):
. Flip X: This option will create a tile effect flipping the image horizontally. This effect will be applied in the pairs column
The image in the bitmap (450x300) object with the Flip X effect
(Tiles: X=2 and Y=2):
. Flip Y: This option will create a tile effect flipping the image vertically. This effect will be applied in the pairs rows
The image in the bitmap (450x300) object with the Flip Y effect
(Tiles: X=2 and Y=2):
. Flip X Y: This option will create a tile effect flipping the image horizontally and vertically. This effect will be applied in the pairs column and rows
The image in the bitmap (450x300) object with the Flip XY effect
(Tiles: X=2 and Y=2):
Excluding the None option, it will be necessary to configure the Tiles property. This property will set how many times the picture will be tiled.
The Tiles property has 2 (two) fields:
. X: Configure how many columns the tile effect will have.
. Y: Configure how many rows the tile effect will have.