SPC Functions

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SPC Functions

This page will approach SPC functions for the pens in a Trend object.

HasPenSPC Functions

Function Definition:

bool HasPenSPCMin(string tagName);

.     Return True if the pen has SPC Min, or false if not.

bool HasPenSPCMax(string tagName);

.     Return True if the pen has SPC Max, or false if not.

bool HasPenSPCAvg(string tagName);

.     Return True if the pen has SPC Avg, or false if not.

bool HasPenSPCDev(string tagName);

.     Return True if the pen has SPC Dev, or false if not.


.     String tagName: A string parameter containing the pen tag name in the Trend object.

To configure this property, follow the steps below:

1.   In an object event, configure the AddPen function: TrendObjectName.HasPenSPCMax(tagName);

2.   During the execution of RunTime, run the configured event.

Example with HasPenSPCMax(string tagName):

In the graphic document, the user has one Trend object (named as Trend1). In a Button object (named as Button1) the user configures the MouseUp event with the following event:


In this event, the function will return true or false depending if the "NewTag1" pen has SPC Max or not.

GetSPC Functions

Function Definition:

int GetPenSPCDevSigma(string tagName);

.     Return an integer value containing the pen SPC Dev Sigma.

double GetPenSPCMin(string tagName);

.     Return double value containing the pen SPC Min.

double GetPenSPCMax(string tagName);

.     Return double value containing the pen SPC Max.

double GetPenSPCAvg(string tagName);

.     Return double value containing the pen SPC Avg.

double GetPenSPCDev(string tagName);

.     Return double value containing the pen SPC Dev.

double GetPenSPCDevPositive(string tagName);

.     Return double value containing the pen SPC Dev Positive.

double GetPenSPCDevNegative(string tagName);

.     Return double value containing the pen SPC Dev Negative.


.     String tagName: A string parameter containing the pen tag name in the Trend object.

To configure this property, follow the steps below:

1.   In an object event, configure the AddPen function: TrendObjectName.GetPenSPCMin(tagName);

2.   During the execution of RunTime, run the configured event.

Example with GetPenSPCMin(string tagName):

In the graphic document, the user has one Trend object (named as Trend1). In a Button object (named as Button1) the user configures the MouseUp event with the following event:


In this event, the function will return the "NewTag1" pen SPC Min value.

SetSPC Functions

Function Definition:

void SetSPC(bool showSPC);

.     Shows SPC for all pens in a Trend object.

void SetSPC(bool showSpcMin, bool showSpcMax, bool showSpcAvg, bool showSpcDev, int spcDevSigma);

.     Shows SPC for all pens in a Trend object.

void SetPenSPC(string tagName, bool showSPC);

.     Shows SPC for a specific pen in a Trend object.

void SetPenSPC(string tagName, bool showSpcMin, bool showSpcMax, bool showSpcAvg, bool showSpcDev, int spcDevSigma);

.     Shows SPC for a specific pen in a Trend object.


.     String tagName: A string parameter containing the pen tag name in the Trend object.

.     Bool showSPC: A boolean parameter indicating if the SPC will be shown or not.

.     Bool showSpcMin: A boolean parameter indicating if the SPC Min will be shown or not.

.     Bool showSpcMax: A boolean parameter indicating if the SPC Max will be shown or not.

.     Bool showSpcAvg: A boolean parameter indicating if the SPC Avg will be shown or not.

.     Bool showSpcDev: A boolean parameter indicating if the SPC Dev will be shown or not.

.     Bool spcDevSigma: A boolean parameter indicating if the SPC Dev Sigma will be shown or not.

To configure this property, follow the steps below:

1.   In an object event, configure the AddPen function: TrendObjectName.SetSPC(showSPC);

2.   During the execution of RunTime, run the configured event.

Example with SetSPC(bool showSPC):

In the graphic document, the user has one Trend object (named as Trend1). In a Button object (named as Button1) the user configures the MouseUp event with the following event:


In this event, the function will showt the SPC for all pens in the Trend object.


Note: This function exists only to the following objects:

.    Trend